Blog Post #4 - Summer, 2024

Blog Post #4 - Enjoying The Transition

Hello there!

This month holds significance for CBU Creations as we embark on a journey of change. Whether it be a move to a new location or entering the Empty Nester phase, we encourage everyone to embrace their transition decision wholeheartedly.

In the enchanting month of July 2024, I embarked on the journey of fulfilling my aspiration to dedicate myself entirely to my craft, purely out of passion and devotion to my artistry.

Brief back story: I am fortunate enough to have grown up in the 1960's & have had some really interesting experiences. Also, I was reared by parents who encouraged me and my siblings to be strong, fair and openminded. This is what fuels my determination, fearlessness, and has shaped who I am today. Despite challenges, my strong faith and unwavering determination brings incredible joy to my life.

At the conclusion of my days, I may not accomplish everything I set out to do. Despite this, I find solace in witnessing progress towards my goals. I have realized the essential element in this journey is to persist and move forward, no matter the obstacles. Keep pushing ahead!

This Blog focuses on Enjoying your Transition. I am not a fan of the Retired/Retirement mindset as I find it dull. I was tired of others controlling my time (not to mention - my money) on any day of the week. I have decided to avoid re-tiring in this lifetime.

My team & I are truly passionate about embarking on all the necessary tasks to grow a thriving online business; (even the challenging ones) and are wholeheartedly dedicated to our Consumers and Potential Consumer base. My sincere hope for everyone is for them to pursue their dreams and relish them daily.

Thanks for dropping by my studio; aka - My Happy Place.


In closing, I'd really love to hear your views on the subject and to (again) encourage each and every one of you to live your life unapologetically. Please feel free to shoot me an email at,   n or email me at ( or send us a message via Instagram at   and we'll share the best ones (if you'd like) or just so we can encourage each other. 

Thank you all for your continued support and patronage.


Marlese Starling - Owner/Lead Creative - CBU Creations, LLC

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